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-Mark Vaughn, [email protected]
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This is the letter my mom wrote him in it's entirety. Note: Go ahead and read this on your program, Amber's already read it on hers and so everyone's heard it and loved it!!! Mr. Slumlord, Have you looked up the word humble in a large dictionary lately? You don't have a clue what humble means. A humble person would never do to people, what you do. You are a joke as a human being and as long as you keep treating people the way you do, you'll never be anything but a JOKE. How dare you call yourself the Warlord? The Lord wouldn'y presume to call people names as you find so easy to do. Just banning people from your room is so sad. You are ruining your own show Pat!!! Did it make you feel good to call Amber a lowlife Pat? I'll never call YOU a Warlord idiot. The Lord isn't in a war with everyone like you are, because you are NOT the Lord and if YOU were THAT close to the Lord, you would know that judging others is wrong and that those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and He says judge not lest ye be judged. All you do is judge people on your show. If only ONE of your mods decided to walk away it might be believable that you were in the right but 4 at once is a pretty obvious indication that there's something wrong with YOU, not them. I pity you. What happened to the issues on your show Pat?? Instead of all the name calling and the lying that you do? Yes you lie, Pat! Bringing your wife online to say that you don't is so sad. The second time I called you I thought Amber was in the wrong. Amber was right, not you. Apparently you've forgotten what your wedding vows mean. Called in sickness and in health, not do as I say, not as I do. Each to their own. Anyways. The first time I talked to you I was angry and you just thought it was cute when I was yelling at you, and you go online saying all kinds of crap that I NEVER SAID. That was lying through your teeth! It's only gotten worse since. Your best yet is your statement about the Rosicrucians and illuminati. People dancing naked around a statue of a huge owl. Where did your sick mind come up with that one??? Pat you need to stop because you're showing the world how little you know about the world and the people in it. I used to think you were so smart!! My mistake!! You really should get off the air Pat, you're harming people and I don't mean us. You are truly gutless, you go online and say things meant to harm Amber like that, personal things. People want you off the air badly, but they know you're doing it to yourself, so they don't have to do anything but sit back and watch you screw yourself right off the air!! On that you're doing great!! Oh yeah, I have to tell you how hard I lauged about your comment about the Rosicrucians. You keep on showing people what a true idiot you are. Will you even understand any of this?? I doubt it because you are so dense!! But it's so true!! There's just no end to you being a lowlife is there? You just keep proving to the world how stupid you are. You sent us the movies without us even asking, but Amber and I thanked you a lot, and as for my candy which I asked for, I offered to pay for it and you wouldn't let me. Then you have the nerve to say Amber left you out in the cold?? You left yourself out there with your lies. Your name and address was put out there and Amber has many witnesses to prove she didn't do it. She wouldn't do that. And the person who did do it will say he did it and has said twice that he did it. I told you to stop that you're pushing her friends to defend her. You succeeded!! You're a very cruel and mean man. No, you're not a man because you have to be human to be a man. All Amber did was leave your show and start her own because she wanted people to speak their minds without being banned or blocked from her shows. You are telling lies Pat. You are not letting people talk. If they don't agree with you they're wrong. Only you are right. WRONG!!! She hasn't said a bad thing about you! Only people who are tired of your trash. If you honestly believe that you are the only correct person around, then you need mental help, so badly. You know that woman you divorced who was pregnant? What if it was your baby? You could have a grown son or daughter out there. If you do, thank GOD they don't know you. Whatever on that. I asked Mike if he told you that Amber was nothing but a liar and his answer was HELL NO, nor did I ever say such a thing about her. Pat you're sicker by the day. If you say anything about her kids on her and hurt her chances with them, I WILL find a way to hurt you and you'll never see it coming. A person paid to do a background check on you and found out you have a felony and a misdemeanor against you. So you CAN'T vote and you have no right to dis Obama or anyone else on the air. You say you have guns in your you want to go to jail Pat?? This is all a big joke to you isn't it Pat?? I know more about you Pat but Amber asked me not to say anything because you told her in confidence, but in confidence is something you don't understand whatsoever. You're either a very sick person or a child who has to have his way. You can't take anything this child has to say as truth because that's what you want isn't it. You know as well as I do that Mike and I never told you that Amber is a liar. You must stay up all night thinking this shit up. Amber's mom